About us

Meet the team

Allow me to introduce you to the team behind the success of Celebrate Life.

We are passionate and committed about what we do. We were born and raised in different cultures and countries and embrace our differences, since we believe they make us stronger and enable us to serve our customers.

We share a strong sense of responsibility to those we serve, a willingness to go the extra mile, and a strong belief in the importance of feedback which helps to improve ourselves and our product.

There is a great deal of joy and satisfaction in knowing that we are helping our families, churches and communities with this little extra income.

Jackie and I started together in Malaysia in 2009. Our first products – angels and hearts – developed into a range of bunnies, dolls, mice, elephants and monkeys – our top seller! Jackie is still with us and we sell at the Four Seasons Hotel, Langkawi, the Eastern & Oriental Hotel and the Spice Garden’s two shops in Penang, Malaysia.

Rachel and Florence, the ladies responsible for our African dolls, are both from Zimbabwe. Lekani, who is responsible for the hair, crochet bags, and jackets, is originally from Malawi, but now lives in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch. Pumi, who helps with the jewellery, is also from Kayamandi, Stellenbosch. Edward makes the doll’s skirts and is from Nomzamo. 

Most of them joined our team this year. They are a source of joy for me!

Celebrate Life products were inspired by the desire to appreciate the gift of life, to live it fully, and to share the joy that it brings!

In an era when children are bombarded with electronic media, computers, and movies, Celebrate Life products will allow your children and loved ones to use their imagination to create worlds of fun and laughter.

I hope these products will be more than a toy for your child, that they will be friends for life, that they will bring times of happiness and a life-time of love.

I was born in the Netherlands, grew up the winelands of South Africa and lived in Asia for 18 years. I am thankful for a rich life with varied cultural experiences in many nations around the world. I have observed a lot and have developed an open mind towards many cultures and opinions, for which I am privileged more than my gratitude can express. As a mother of five children, I have always tried to inspire our children to use their imagination to play and be children as long as possible, to enjoy the special moments in every day and to celebrate life!

What gives me great joy is to hang out with my family and friends…. and to run, bike and swim – that is why I totally love triathlon! My husband and I met at a triathlon meeting during our university days and we still enjoy competing. Another little joy is to share a good cup of coffee with my husband in the morning. My kids already know not to rush me then… that is my few minutes of luxury! My biggest joy is to know that I am loved by my Heavenly Father, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Most importantly, I have found the overwhelming truth of God’s love. I celebrate it everyday – that is what keeps me going.

“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17, NIV)

What more do we need in life?

Celebrate Life… He lives!

Patricia Combrink